The US needs to fund more infrastructure projects, including nuclear power plants.
The USPS needs to continue to be funded and protected.
Federal Air Traffic Control needs to be funded and staffed better.
Lobbying should be illegal.
Congress should be banned from trading stocks.
Congress and the Supreme Court needs term and/or age limits.
The president needs to have an age limit.
It should be illegal for corporations to donate to any political campaigns.
Individuals should not be allowed to donate more than 1000 USD on political campaigns.
Ranked choice voting should be the federal standard.
The criminal justice system needs to be reformed.
Healthcare needs to be reformed, using either a Nordic or German model would be ideal, however in case that's not doable, starting out with capping costs of certain procedures is a great start. In addition, ambulance costs need to be limited. Most developed nations do not have multi-thousand dollar ambulance and medevac costs. Billing for "nuisance" calls or lift assists is fine.
Prescription profits need to be capped to 10% of the cost to manufacture. IE: if it costs a dollar, it can be sold for a $1.10.
We need a federal minimum of 2 weeks paid sick time, and a federal minimum of 20 days fully paid vacation annually. Both mother's and father's should get at least 3 months each of maternity/paternity leave. In an ideal world, we would do what they do in Sweden, where each parent gets 240 days of leave each, or 480 days if single. It's paid all the way through, but not at 100% of your salary.
The education system needs reform, including free meals for students, less focus on tests and more focus on learning, We need something like Skolval in Sweden, as well.
Military spending needs to be put in check and heavily audited.
We need to reinforce alliances with Canada, Mexico, and the EU, with strong, unbreakable trade and military agreements that are unable to be changed if the president changes.
Tariffs need to end.
Block investors from buying up single family housing.
Down payment assistance and tax credits for first time home buyers, and rent needs to be regulated.
Price gouging needs to be controlled, we are being scammed by corporate greed. Cheaper, lower quality products for absurdly high prices. In addition to that, things are moving to subscription models. We are living in a society of "own nothing, and you'll be happy" and I for one am sick of it.
We need strong consumer and data protections. Personal data should either A) be illegal to sell or B) half of the profits should be given back to the person who's data was sold.
If the multiplayer component of a video game is discontinued / reaches EoL, the necessary files and binaries for hosting a server shall be released for free. If a piece of software reaches end of updates or is discontinued, it should be released for free.
Net Neutrality needs to be codified into law, not just be an FCC rule that can change every other president.
Right to repair legislation needs to passed federally. Any product that is discontinued needs to have schematics, diagnostic and programming tools released for free to the public. Vehicle diagnostic programs like Volvo VIDA needs to be free to anyone who owns the car.
Nazis are making a comeback for some reason, so we need to make sure they understand their ideology is not welcome.
Emergency lighting should be standardized across all emergency services across all states. Red/Blue/White response modes. White should be restricted to the front and front half of both sides. Amber should be added to the rear. When on a scene the RBW mode needs to be slowed down, and amber should be visible on at least 3 sides of the emergency vehicle. In poor visibility, yellow/amber is the most visible color to the human eye.
Social media is a cesspool of stupid, these algorithms need to be regulated as well...or better yet remove them completely and make them random.